
Day turned today, who would have thought we are moving closer to death. day after tomorrow, for a while longer, death came to our doorstep without our consciousness.but are we ready for it? think.          ...
seram nih ~

hye everybody! haha. long time no see bro. serius? do I C... cuti seminggu. 2 hari pegi terangganu kite. pakcik aq a.k.a kembar bapak aq masuk icu. memula terkezut gak aq dengar. lepas pegi sana. tgk sendiri. fuh, lega sikit, walaupun still mcm x larat je tgk die. ALLAH maha kuasa.

korang tahu ke icu tu hapebenda? haha "intensive care unit" or dalam bahasa mudahnya "unit rawatan rapi" . paham x paham? saja bagitau. who knows... klu ada yg x tau lgi. not important actually. since kecik2 dulu , dengar je icu, pergh mcm bilik mayat dah (ye er, budak2 kn) hehe . now , after grown up ( I'm 19 ok, mcm mak jemah dah) my mind is working clearly with idea and f.c.u....    king opinion. opsss. lama x mindlesscom.  hehe

ziarah orang sakit
nicegood + positive activity. by visiting sick person, we are going to remember that every human not permanent. ingat mati ingat sakit ingatlah saat kau sulit ~  . so, visit whoever you want to visit and find the wisdom of the moment. (bukan nak mintak sentiasa ada org sakit, ok) think positive not thinktong.. :D

doakan kesejahteraan pakcikku dan kita bersama...




aku pun baru g hospital tengok pak long aku.. :'(

sama2 doakan la ye.. :)
hadinesta said…
yeyup... doa kat aq lebey cikit... bhahaha :DDD
_aliahwafa_ said…
terus rse nak smayang. kthnxbye.
hadinesta said…
wah! bagus2... doa bebanyak utk aq. haha :D
kaduk said…
boleh amek muet dah ko ni..haha
hadinesta said…
muet , leklu.. bg mantop.. haha
Amirah Jafri said…
Teringat tempat practical kat sjmc..Hmmmmm, mmg sedih tgk org2 yg sakit ni..automatic terbygkan kalau lah ibu bapa kita yg sakit kan?mcm mana la, sayangi ibu bapa anda =)
hadinesta said…
accept each other. syg semua..
Unknown said…
moge pakcik awk cept sembuh..=) Amin
Afuan Shah said…
hehe...kembar??cm best..x konfius ??
hosp...empat yg paling x best.
hadinesta said…
Afuan Shah : bapak sendiri, xkn x cam. haha :D

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